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My Favorite Books of 2024

I have always loved books that teach me something. In the last few years, reading became an integral part of my healing. Reading gave me the space to discover a greater understanding of the connection between our bodies and minds and how to help support both. I read over 20 books last year, and below are my top 4.

You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay

This is one book I will always go back to. I read it for the first time in 2022 and have picked it up every year since. This book helped me to understand the brain-body connection, but also to take accountability for my own thoughts and decisions. Louise is direct, but at the same time delivers a message that feels soft and comforting.

The Cancer Revolution, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy

As a cancer survivor, I love this book endlessly. Dr. Connealy is the medical director at the Cancer Center for Healing. The Cancer Center for healing is the largest integrative cancer center in North America. In The Cancer Revolution, Dr. Connealy breaks down cancer’s causes, prevention, and treatment. In her book she discusses how cancer takes many years to form in our body and how to take actionable (and reasonable) steps to preventing the progression of cancer. With the prevalence of cancer today, I wish that everyone would read this book to understand cancer and how to create health within our own bodies. This book was a huge step in freeing myself from the looming fears of cancer reoccurrence and future cancer diagnosis.

The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer

The Untethered Soul completely transformed my struggling meditation practice. Michael Singer does a wonderful job of explaining how to connect with stability, peace, and comfort. Funny enough, I actually bought this book in 2018, but didn’t end up reading it until 2024. In many ways, I’m not sure I was ready for it until 2024, but it has made an immeasurable impact on the peace I am able to cultivate and maintain as well as my body’s stress levels and mood swings. If you are someone who lays awake at night with thoughts swarming in your head, I can’t recommend this book enough.

Breath, James Nestor

As long as I can remember, I have been a chronic mouth breather. I always needed to have lip balm within arm’s reach, could never breathe through my nose more than 25%, and pretty much always had the sniffles/postnasal drip. I also have always been a terrible sleeper. I read Breath for the first time in 2023 and again in 2024, and it was transformative for my sleep. Prior to reading the book, I had no idea about the importance of breathing through our noses and how it impacts our bodies so profoundly. Within a few days of reading the book, I was sleeping infinitely better by breathing through my nose. I will do a blog post on this, because at first it wasn’t an easy process for me to breathe through my nose, but I now know that even when I am extremely stuffed up, it is always possible to regain nasal breathing. If you struggle with sleep, sinusitis, or always have dry lips, this book could be really helpful for you.

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